Monday, October 10, 2016

Expressing Tunisia’s Plight Through Art!

After five years of the Jasmine Revolution, Tunisia’s chaotic state of affairs, the psychic distress of its people and the blatant failure of its politicians can be beautifully but strikingly illustrated by three master paintings.

Aivazovsky's Nine Wave painting illustrates the country rotten situation but yet with a dose of collective hope.

Munch famous expressionistic Scream master peace renders the collective anxiety of the Tunisian people, their deep disappointment as well as their bitter discontent.

Lorenzetti’s “The Effects of Bad Government on City Life,” with its central horned figure epitomises the relentless successions of yet invariant pseudo-governments, whose blatant achievements are nothing but swelling external debt, shameless struggle for power and conspicuous wealth, and build up of social dissatisfaction and indignation to cite but a few!